Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sony says Trophies, friends lists are safe

The PlayStation Network is still down, but Sony is reassuring fans in the off-time with answers to some pressing questions. The company issued its first Q&A round-up on Wednesday, and late yesterday released a second round of answers that deal mostly with games.
First, any Trophies you earned in single-player games while PSN was offline will be synced once the service goes live again, so you can keep plugging away confident that your progress will show. Your friends lists and download history will remain in tact as well, and PlayStation Plus cloud saves will be retrievable once Sony puts the servers back up.
The Q&A also reveals that Sony is working on some form of goodwill gesture to fans, saying it is "currently evaluating ways to show appreciation for your extraordinary patience." Players of PlayStation 3 MMOs like DC Universe Online and Free Realms will get a little extra for their troubles; the blog reveals they're working on a "make good" plan for those games, as well as hosting special events once PSN is restored.

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