Friday, April 15, 2011

Sucker Punch Movie Review

Sucker Punch Movie ReviewThis afternoon I read a scathing review of Zack Snyders Sucker Punch on CNN which within itself is really weird. What blogger / geek read’s reviews on CNN? I was there reading up on the latest about the situation in Libya and felt the need to give it a read. Much like many other reviews on the internet CNN’s review tears Zack Snyder and his movie Sucker Punch a new a**shole… and thats an understatement.
Despite this very negative review I went to see the film because I unlike mainstream journalists am a gamer with a passion for geek-flicks and love every single film that Zack has made. So as a complete fan boy does my view differ from that of CNN? Is Zack Snyder Sucker Punch worth $10 or $1 for that matter?  In this bloggers view Sucker Punch can be summed up with the words sucker and suffering. CNN Film Critic Tom Charity describes Sucker Punch as ‘hoariest of melodramatic cliches’ and ‘soft core porn’ and I unfortunately must agree. Its over the top action and weird sexual elements with extremely young girls just frankly made me feel creepy and like a pervert in a peep show. Mixed with an oddball script and an even odder casting Sucker Punch definitely punches Suckers like me who paid to see it firmly in the jaw and yells ‘Haa Sucker!!’
Sucker Punch didn’t just make me feel like a sucker it actually made me suffer. I actually had to settle into my chair in the theatre and force myself to sit through the entire film despite wanting to walk out half way through. This is the first film in years where I had to force myself to sit and watch the entire film and considering that Zack Snyder is one of my favourite directors and all of his past films I have given nearly perfect scores it humbles me to see such a great talent do such a truly horrible film. Much like when they let the incredibly talent Frank Miller direct his own material in The Spirit this film seems to show why you shouldn’t let a talented director get ahead of himself and write or co-write his material without some sort of oversight. It seems it would be smilar to you asking me to run a nuclear power plant, or direct a movie for that matter.. it would be pretty cataclysmic.
What could have been a unique and present day take on Alice in Wonderland meets Inception meets Final Fantasy ends up being nothing more than a muddled mess and an idea that frankly should have stayed just that, an idea and not a movie.
I am incredibly passionate about Zack Snyder and feel he is a visionary as was shown with the remake of Dawn of the Dead which paid homage to George Romero’s work while making it his own. His work on 300 and Watchmen was equally impressive with stunning visuals, fantastic writing and with both films offering a truly unique and fresh experience. Sucker Punch proves what has been proven time and time again. It does not matter how good the director is or how impressive the visual effects are, ( and they are impressive in Sucker Punch ) if the script sucks and the characters are about as well thought out as a real life vampire attack, the movie will fail.
Sucker punch is summed up with the simple word Sucker! If you, like me paid to see this movie you are a sucker just like me. You fell into the hype that it’s a Zack Snyder film so it must be good. I have no idea what message they were trying to give us with Sucker Punch because it clearly seemed to have some underlieing message about child prostitution, abuse and your inner strength but unfortunately this film is like my hair on Sunday morning, a hot mess.
From one Zack Snyder fan to another pass on this movie. Wait for his reboot of Superman which will hopefully take him back to his roots and make Sucker punch nothing but a bad bad dream that just ate $20 from your wallet.

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